Smart strategies for paying down debt Being in debt can really wear you down, both financially and emotionally. Whether it’s a single large credit card balance or multiple loans, store and credit cards owing, getting clear of your debts is going to make a big difference to your financ
Four ways to save for a rainy day Having access to savings can be vital when an emergency strikes. But making the most of your savings by earning interest can also help you get ahead financially. If you’re trying to get a good return and have instant access to your money, the historic
You only retire once. Let’s get it right. Retirement is an exciting time. It’s the long-awaited reward for a lifetime of work and, if you have the right plans in place, the chance to pursue your dreams free from money worries and concerns. Retirement means different things to differen
Don’t let overspending be your undoing Do you struggle to control your spending around your friends and family? If the urge to ‘keep up’ with a certain lifestyle is stretching your finances, it could be time to take action. From splitting the bill at an expensive restaurant, to having
How fit are your finances? Wearable technology can monitor our heart rate and tell us how much sleep we’ve had, but what about our financial wellbeing? If you could benefit from a Fitbit for your finances, read on. Just like your physical health, the more you can monitor